Importing INE Shapefiles into a Spatialite Database
In this post, we’ll walk through the process of importing Mexico’s National Electoral Institute (INE) shapefiles into a Spatialite database. We’ll be using macOS and QGIS for this tutorial. Setting Up Spatialite First, let’s install Spatialite using Homebrew: brew install spatialite-tools Once installed, create a new Spatialite database by running: spatialite ine.db You should see output indicating the Spatialite version and supported extensions. SpatiaLite version ..: 5.1.0 Supported Extensions: - 'VirtualShape' [direct Shapefile access] - 'VirtualDbf' [direct DBF access] - 'VirtualText' [direct CSV/TXT access] - 'VirtualGeoJSON' [direct GeoJSON access] - 'VirtualXL' [direct XLS access] - 'VirtualNetwork' [Dijkstra shortest path - obsolete] - 'RTree' [Spatial Index - R*Tree] - 'MbrCache' [Spatial Index - MBR cache] - 'VirtualFDO' [FDO-OGR interoperability] - 'VirtualBBox' [BoundingBox tables] - 'VirtualSpatialIndex' [R*Tree metahandler] - 'VirtualElementary' [ElemGeoms metahandler] - 'VirtualRouting' [Dijkstra shortest path - advanced] - 'VirtualKNN2' [K-Nearest Neighbors metahandler] - 'VirtualGPKG' [OGC GeoPackage interoperability] - 'VirtualXPath' [XML Path Language - XPath] - 'SpatiaLite' [Spatial SQL - OGC] PROJ version ....